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Studio Work

Painting in Oils and Acrylic

Ink on Paper

Screen Prints

Recent Paintings

santiago de nebraska
red forest
blue curtain
mike giron_the cliffs of insanity
mike giron_NDAPL - The Black Snake
mike giron_to ramona
mike giron_up against the log
La Encuentra
copper house
colossus (2)
Leaden Ladder
mike giron_emil and marie
mike giron_moonstruck
mike giron_la primavera


are immediate gratification.


Silkscreen has become my favorite method over the past few years. 

It is great fun to introduce in workshops.  

To alleviate my fears of impending

environmental doom,

I created the series,

On the Brighter Side of Post-Apocalyptic Minimalism,

which featured at the Fred Simon Gallery, of the Nebraska Arts Council, in a two-person show with Riccardo Marchio, in 2014.  It imagines the transformation of artworks which have survived an overheated planet.

On the

Brighter Side of

Post-Apocalyptic Minimalism


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