2018 Eat Well, Be Well
Urban Edibles
Eternal Gratitude ‡
2017 A Nebraska Odyssey**‡
City Sprouts South Garden
2016 Nostrovia (Polish)**
Del Futuro Al Pasado (Mex.)**‡
2015 Sieninas Pasveikis (Lithuanian)**
Holding Together
Temple Israel
Benson Park
Maria Bonita
2014 Magic City**
Waves of Immigration
Benson Plant Rescue
2013 C-Unity
VFW Freedom Mural ‡
2012 Avanza! ‡
2013 NSX
2011 Antique Float
2009 Maria Bonita*
Poco a Poquito*
El Diablo*
2008 Common Threads* ‡
2007 Popocateaptl*
2005 Benchmarks
5 Senses of Africa
2001 parade float
1998 residential murals
1997 MFA murals and collaborations
1996 Club Mecca
1992-94 Mardi Gras parade floats
* murals developed with students
** Officially South Omaha Mural Project
Designer and Lead Artist on all except ‡
see desktop version for full information
Together Inc., 24th & Leavenworth sts.
Benson Plant Rescue, Maple St., Omaha
Nebraska Veterans Home, Kearney, NE
For A Midsummer’s Mural
36th & Q Sts, South Omaha
19th & N Sts., South Omaha
Dinker’s, 25th & Castelar Sts., Omaha
24th & M Sts., South Omaha, SONA
33rd & R Sts., South Omaha, SOBA
Together Inc., 24th & Leavenworth sts.
Temple Israel, Omaha, NE
Benson/Omaha, NE
52nd & L sts., South Omaha
24th & N sts., South Omaha, SOBA
Metropolitan Community College, South Campus
Why Arts? Inc., 61st & Maple sts., N. Alley
Maple, West of 72nd St, Omaha
Creighton University
Midwest Photo Pro, Leavenworth St
VFW Post 247, Leavenworth St.
For A Midsummer’s Mural
Park Ave. & Leavenworth, Omaha
with Richard Harrison
Exclusive Honda, Omaha
Jim’s Seek & Save Antiques, Omaha, NE
Maria Bonita Restaurant, Omaha, NE
Guaca Maya Restaurant, Omaha, NE
Casa de la Cultura, Omaha, NE
Plaza de la Raza, Omaha, NE
Assist to Meg Saligman, Omaha, NE
Literacy Center, Omaha, NE
South Omaha Art Institute, Omaha, NE
South Omaha Art Institute, Omaha, NE
public arts project, 2 benches, Omaha
Bellevue University, NE
River City Roundup, Omaha, NE
Montessori Parents’ Co-op for Children
Boulder, Co; Jamestown, CO; Slidell, LA
University of Colorado, Boulder
Boulder, CO
Royal Artists, New Orleans, LA